


Clinton Millsap

(Spring, Texas) 

Hand carved walnut with copper nails 

Since I can remember I have made marks. Utilizing every form of artistic expression I acquired throughout my life. Crayons, pencils, pens, markers, paint, metal, glass, stone, photographs, even the written word. Each medium has allowed different perspectives of expression. Whether in its physical form required to applicate the medium to the surface or the social relevance the medium portrays in the collective unconscious of the viewers. I have spent much of my life confused as to what my work was trying to say. Allowing myself to stumble in the limitations of individual art mediums physical traits, relative to a common artist voice in the collective imagery I was creating. All the while attempting to discover what it is I am trying so compulsively to get out into the world through imagery. I only just recently discovered what “it” is. I simply love the act of mark making. I appreciate each medium for what it can offer me in its physicality of responsive reactions.