<i>Final Remittance<i>

Final Remittance

Oil on canvas, 2019

Shaun Roberts

Nacogdoches, TX

My art is meant to create unbelievable circumstances that examine actual issues and situations we currently face today as a society. The paintings are charged with stirring discourse and curiosity in relation to our own reality and social political struggles that we face. I explore experiences, collected memories and the constant influx of new moments encountered each day, not only in my life but others I know and or hear about through news articles or other media outlets. The characters and their settings create a social narrative through a mixture of fact, fiction, imagination and allegory. The question this work poses is: Are we living in a civilized society? Perhaps we are on our way to a new Dark Age. Within the universe of the paintings, the characters still manage to retain a glimmer of hope and strength. The work carries a cohesive statement about man’s existence, his place in the universe, and the infinite.